Connect Your Contract to Your Organization

About Connecting Your Contract to Your Organization

If your company has a contract with Enalyzer, you are able to connect it with your organization. This enables you to allocate contract plans automatically or manually among your organization members. In other words, you'll be able to synchronize your contract plans with your organization members.

From within the organization, you'll be able to assign contract plans to organization members. You can do this manually or automatically to save time. 

Connect Your Contract to Your Organization for Contract & Organization Admins

If you manage both the organization and contract, connecting the two is a piece of cake. All you have to do is:

  1. Head over to the homepage and click on your organization.
  2. Click contract on the side menu. If the menu is closed, click on the menu icon (BurgerMenu.png) to open it first.
  3. Click the connect button.
  4. Open the dropdown menu, select your contract, and click next.
  5. Your organization and the contract are now connected. You can always access your Enalyzer contract from there and have an overview of the available plans in your contract.

Connect Your Contract to Your Organization for Organization Admins

If you manage the contract but not the organization,  you need to share the contract's connect key with the organization administrator. To find the key, you have to:

  1. Click on your name at the top right corner and click account.
  2. Select contract on the side menu. If the menu is closed, click on the menu icon (BurgerMenu.png) to open it first.
  3. Click on the add members (TealPlusIcon.png) icon and you'll see the connection key. Share the key with the organization administrator.
  4. Once they have the key, they have to head over to the homepage, click on the back arrow at the top left of the page, and select the organization. If they're already in the organization, they have to click on their name at the top right of the page and select organization.
  5. Click contract on the side menu.
  6. Click the connect button.
  7. Open the dropdown menu, select use connection key, and click next.
  8. Enter the connection key and click connect.
  9. The organization and your contract are now connected.

Assign Contract Plans to Members Manually

Once your contract is connected to your organization, you can assign your contract plans to your organization members. To assign plans manually, you have to:

  1. Go to the start page and click on your organization.
  2. Click on members on the side menu. If the menu is closed, click on the menu icon (BurgerMenu.png) to open it first.
  3. Click on the organization member and click the dropdown menu under plan to make your changes.
  4. Changes are saved automatically.

Assign Contract Plans to Members Automatically

Instead of allocating contract plans manually, you could opt for doing it automatically. What that entails is that at any point that one of your contract members makes use of a paid feature, they will automatically be allocated one of the plans in your contract.

  1. Go to the homepage and click on your organization.
  2. Click contract on the side menu. If the menu is closed, click on the menu icon (BurgerMenu.png) to open it first.
  3. Enable the allocate plans automatically option.

Remove Contract Plans from Members

Just like you can assign contract plans to organization members, you can also remove them. To remove a plan from a member and revert them back to a free account, you have to:

  1. Go to the homepage and click on your organization.
  2. Click members on the side menu. If the menu is closed, click on the menu icon (BurgerMenu.png) to open it first.
  3. Click on the member whose plan you want to remove.
  4. Click on the current plan and change it to free.

Disconnect Your Contract From Your Organization

If for whatever reason you need to disconnect your contract from your organization, all you have to do is:

  1. Go to the homepage and click on your organization.
  2. Click contract on the side menu. If the menu is closed, click on the menu icon (BurgerMenu.png) to open it first.
  3. Click the disconnect button and accept the dialogue.

Once you disconnect the contract from the organization, you'll be no longer able to change or assign plans to the organization's members.


  • If you remove a member's license, they will still be able to view their surveys and download the available response data. However, any surveys they have sent that are still active, may become inactive.

    For example, if the person sent an email survey or a survey link, and the survey has more than 100 responses, anyone that accesses the survey received from this member after they have been downgraded, will receive a message that the survey is inactive.

    Make sure that data collection is done before you downgrade the member. Furthermore, there are several features they will no longer be able to access, you can get an overview on our Plans & Pricing page.

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