About Digital Post
Danish citizens receive their post from public Danish authorities digitally. Both the mailbox and the messages are called Digital Post and ensure secure digital communication between the citizens and public authorities. This means that your Digital Post can never be read by anyone else than you and the relevant authority. Safety is important because sensitive personal data is often exchanged.
With Digital Post, Danish citizens can:
- Read post from public authorities
- Send post to public authorities
- Answer post from public authorities
- Forward post from public authorities
Organization admins can integrate the organization with Digital Post and give organization members access to share surveys via Digital Post.
Integrate With Digital Post
Organization admins can integrate organizations with Digital Post and select which organization members have access to sharing surveys via Digital Post. If you're an organization administrator, all you have to do is:
- Go to your organization, and select settings in the side menu.
- Click on Member access to Digital Post: Disabled.
- Enter the API Key from your Digital Post account.
Learn how to get the API Key from Digital Post (in Danish).
- Enter the sender CVR, which will be used to send invitations via Digital Post.
- Enter your CPR number to verify the connection. The number will not be saved.
- Click next.
- A digital mail will be sent to the Digital Post mailbox related to the registered CPR number. Verify that you've received the digital mail, and then click the confirm and enable button.
- The integration is now enabled and you can proceed to give organization members access to Digital Post survey sharing.
Grant Access to Digital Post
As the organization administrator, you have complete control over who can share surveys via Digital Post, which means you can always grant and revoke member access. Once you've given access to a member, they will see the Digital post as a survey sharing option for their survey.
To grant access to members, all you have to do is:
- Go to your organization, and select settings in the side menu.
- Click on Member access to Digital Post: Enabled.
- Under member access, you will see the number of members who already have access. Click on that number.
- If you haven't granted access to anyone, simply select the members and click the add button to give them access. If you already have members with access, click on the add members icon (
), select the members, and click the add button.
If you're working with a large member list, consider using the filter options to find the members you're looking for faster.
Revoke Access to Digital Post
Just as easy as you can grant access to Digital Post, you can also revoke it. All you have to do is:
- Go to your organization, and select settings in the side menu.
- Click on Member access to Digital Post: Enabled.
- Under member access, you will see the number of members who already have access. Click on that number.
- Click on the actions menu and select remove.
- Select the members you want to remove and click the remove button.
Once access has been revoked, any scheduled invitations and reminders the member(s) have made will not be sent.
Disable Digital Post
Only the organization administrators can disable the Digital Post integration. All you have to do is:
- Go to your organization, and select settings in the side menu.
- Click on Member access to Digital Post: Disabled.
- Under status, disable the integration. You will see a pop-up window asking you to confirm your choice to disable. Click the disable now button to continue.
- Enter your password and click continue.
- The Digital Post integration will be disabled immediately.
Once the Digital Post integration is disabled, any scheduled invitations and reminders members have made will not be sent.