Comparison Charts

About Comparison Charts

Comparison charts cross two variables in one chart. This is a simple way to see and compare values in your report.

Add Comparison Charts

To add Comparison charts, all you have to do is:

  1. Go to your report, click on the add report element icon (), and select comparison.
  2. Select the first variable or set of variables, and click next.
  3. Select the second variable or set of variables, you will compare the first set with, and click add. Your chart will be created and added to the bottom of your report immediately.


Comparison Chart Layout

Comparison charts are compatible with the following question types:

The default layout for Comparison charts is horizontal stacked bars, however, they are also available in vertically stacked bars, horizontal and vertical bars, and gauges.

Open Answers in Comparison Charts

Multiple Choice, Rating Scale, Net Promoter Score®, and Recommendation Score questions have the benefit to allow respondents to leave a text entry. For Multiple Choice questions, it's the last response option, whereas the other question types nudge the respondent to elaborate on their answer to the scale.

When adding a Comparison chart based on one of these questions, the open answers will appear underneath the chart, allowing you to simply click on the open answers icon and view all the available answers.

To be able to see these open answers in your PDF download, you have to create a Frequency chart.

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