About Conditions
Conditions are useful when you want to send respondents down different survey paths based on variables like question responses or background information. Depending on how respondents answer certain questions, they will take different routes through the survey.
A condition is a rule you set that questions must follow to be visible to a respondent that follows that rule. To make it easier, you can read the conditions as a sentence. The example above can be read as:
The question "What was the primary reason you were not able to work efficiently?" will be shown if the respondent answers 1, 2, or 3 to the question "Efficiency and Enablement - How would you rate your work efficiency the past week?"
A condition consists of four parts:
- A statement: A statement is a conditional expression that specifies the logical relationship between the variable, operator, and value. A statement can be either an "if" statement or an "if not" statement. In the example above, the statement is "if", which means the question will be shown if the following statement, defined by the variable, operator, and value, is true.
A variable: This can be a question or a background variable in your survey. In the example above, the variable is the question "How would you rate your work efficiency the past week?"
Date type background variables, Image Upload, File Upload, Ranking, and Point Distribution questions cannot be used for conditions.
An operator: Operators in a condition are like a verb in a sentence. Operators specify how the condition criteria relate to each other. The operators available are determined by the variable type. In the example above, the operator is "is any of".
View all available operators for each variable type. - A value: This is the value(s) that defines your condition. In the example above, the values are 1, 2, and 3.
Add Conditions
Conditions are added to the question, sub-question, or response option that should be shown if the condition is fulfilled. For example, if you want to show questions to employees in the Marketing department, the conditions are added to the set of questions.
To add conditions, all you have to do is:
- Select the question, sub-question, or response option to which you want to add the condition and click settings.
- Click the add condition button.
- Select the variable (question or background variable) for the condition.
- Select the value. This is the response option the respondent has to select to be directed to the specified question, i.e. this is the condition.
- When you're done, click add.
- Your condition will now appear under your question settings.
- You are always able to see which questions contain conditions from the survey content overview. They are marked with the survey element number that the condition is based on:
Conditions on sub-questions and response options
Conditions can also be added to specific response options and/or sub-questions.
Depending on how respondents answer to a certain question, different response options can be shown or hidden in the following questions.
To add conditions to sub-questions and/or response options, you have to:
- Click the question to edit
- Click on the sub-question or response option you want to add a condition to
- Click on add condition
- Select the variable (question or background variable) for the condition.
- Select the value. This is the response option the respondent has to select to be shown the specified sub-question or response option.
- When you're done, click add.
- Your condition will now appear under your sub question or response option.
Logical operators and Condition Groups
You can use logical operators to create complex conditions and condition groups. Logical operators are used to combine multiple conditions within a single rule. You can use "and" and "or" operators to combine conditions.
The "and" operator means that respondents must meet all conditions grouped with the "and" operator in order to show the question.
If we read the above example as a sentence, it would read:
The question "What was the primary reason you were not able to work efficiently?" will be shown if the respondent answers 1-25%, 26-50%, 51-75%, or 76-100% to the question "How much did you work remotely the past week?" and if "Country" is "Denmark"
The "or" operator separates conditions or condition groups (those grouped with the "and" operator), which means that respondents need to meet the condition/condition group or the other condition/condition group.
If we read the above example as a sentence, it would read:
The question "What would you like your manager to improve on?" will be shown if the respondent answers 1, 2, or 3 to the question "Manager - Have your efforts been recognized by your manager in the past week?" or if the respondent answers 1, 2, or 3 to the question "Manager - In the past week, did you receive the support you need from your manager?"
A combination of "and" and "or" operators enable you to set up more complex logic by combining multiple conditions and condition groups.
If we read the above example as a sentence, it would read:
The question "What would you like your colleagues or manager to improve on?" will be shown if the respondent answers 1, 2, or 3 to the question "Manager - Have your efforts been recognized by your manager in the past week?" and if the respondent answers 1, 2, or 3 to the question "Manager - In the past week, did you receive the support you need from your manager?" or if the respondent answers 1, 2, or 3 to the question "Colleagues - In the past week, did you receive the support you need from your colleagues?"
As you can see the "and" operator groups the conditions.
Delete Conditions
- Go to your survey, and click on the question whose condition you want to delete.
- Click on settings.
- Scroll to the bottom, under conditions, to see a list of the conditions this question has.
- Click on the action menu and select delete.
- Select the condition(s) you want to delete and click the delete button.
Other available Operators
The available operators are determined by the variable type you choose for your condition. Use the toggles below to learn more about each one.
The operator depends on the number of response options you select or define. If you select or define one value, the operator will be "is", for example "Department is Sales". If you select or define multiple values, the operator will be "is any of", for example "Department is any of the options Sales or Marketing".
These operators are available for:
- Multiple Choice
- Rating Scale
- Open Answer
- Image Choice
- Matrix Multiple Choice
- Matrix Rating Scale
- Input Field
- Net Promoter Score® (NPS)
- Recommendation Score
- Background Variable: Selection List
- Background Variable: Text
Date type background variables, Image Upload, File Upload, Ranking, and Point Distribution questions cannot be used for conditions.
These operators are available to text variables:
- Open Answer
- Input Field, except for the numeric format
- Background Variable: Text, except for the numeric format
These operators are available to numeric variables:
- Input Field, numeric format
- Background Variable: Text, numeric format