Survey Experience

About Survey Experience

The survey experience settings affect how respondents experience the survey-taking process. These settings relate to how respondents can change their answers while they're answering the survey or after they have submitted their responses.

Previous Button

With a previous button, respondents can return to pages they have already visited in your survey and update their responses while they are answering the survey.

The previous button is enabled by default, to disable it all you have to do is:

  1. Go to your survey and click settings on the side menu.
  2. Scroll down to the survey experience section and disable the previous button setting.

Reopen Surveys

Whether you share your survey via link or email, all respondents have a unique survey session. The reopen survey setting allows respondents to reopen their unique survey session and retake the survey, potentially changing the initial answers. Respondents who have received an email invitation simply have to click on the button link in the invitation again. Whereas respondents who answered via the survey link can retake the survey if they asked for a response receipt.

The reopen survey setting is enabled by default, to disable it all you have to do is:

  1. Go to your survey and click settings on the side menu.
  2. Scroll down to the survey experience section and disable the reopen survey setting.

Response Receipt

The Response Receipt is the email notification with their submitted survey answers. By default, Enalyzer surveys include a Response Receipt button in the last element of your survey. However, you have the option to customize how this feature works based on your specific needs.

Response Receipt Options

You have the following options for the Response Receipt setting:

  1. Disable: You can completely disable the Response Receipt from your survey. Respondents will not have the option to request a receipt, and it will not be shown on the survey.
  2. Optional: This is the default option, where respondents have the choice to request a receipt. The Response Receipt will be showcased on the last page of the survey. This setting allows respondents to decide whether they want an overview of their answers or not.
  3. Required: This option ensures that respondents automatically receive a Response Receipt when they complete the survey. This is particularly useful if you want to guarantee that all participants receive a summary of their responses.

    The Response Receipt will only be sent if there is a value for the Email system background variable.

The response receipt setting is optional by default, to change this all you have to do is:

  1. Go to your survey and click settings on the side menu.
  2. Scroll down to the survey experience section and change the response receipt setting option to disable or required.


If your survey is open and the reopen survey setting is enabled, the response receipt will give respondents a link that allows them to retake your survey.

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